What is Church?
Being Church special (APRIL 2009)
(13 minutes)
A strange question, you may think, but we like strange questions. As for the answers ... you'll have to listen to find out. Are we the Church that Jesus envisaged? Some profound thoughts here to ponder on and, if you persevere to the end, you will be treated to a little gem from the Howard Werth Bumper Book of Poems!
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OK, I'm a Christian now ... what's next?
Sanctification special (APRIL 2009)
(14 minutes)
Do we just sit back and do nothing? What really is this thing called sanctification? With sterling contributions from Howard's wife (Kim), the team ponders these questions ...
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Digging deeper ...
Searching Scriptures special (APRIL 2009)
(8 minutes)
How central is the Bible to our lives? We need to gain an appetite for 'spiritual food'. Easier said than done, to be honest, as the team discover ...
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The Crucifixion
Crucifixion special (APRIL 2009)
(6 minutes)
What happened in the darkness on that first "Good Friday"? A short, thought-provoking conversation from the team.
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Fallen Leaders
Fallen Leaders special ** NEW ** (APRIL 2009)
(22 minutes)
Bam Bam is back! Todd Bentley emerges after just a few months since his spectacular fall. Is this too soon? What is really going on here and how should ordinary Christians think about these things? Where is the authority for such actions? Have we yet reached the point of exclaiming, 'enough is enough'? Listen now | Download
Who chooses who?
Predestination special ** NEW ** (APRIL 2009)
(62 minutes)
We tackle head-on the big topic of predestination vs free will. Ordinary people with very real concerns discuss the issues debated endlessly by the Calvinists and Arminianists. Does God just have foreknowledge of who's going to heaven or is it all carved in stone? How do these issues affect our evangelism? Once saved always saved or lose it if you abuse it? Turn on your brains and join us in this lively chat. Listen now | Download
What's all this about the Jews?
Israel and the Jews special ** NEW ** (MARCH 2009)
(40 minutes)
Featuring renowned commentator and Bible teacher Tony Pearce, this is a wide-ranging discussion on current issues concerning Israel and the Jews. We cover the history of the conflict, the Gaza situation, the Holocaust, Anti-semitism, Replacement Theology, Jewish unbelief and prophecy and End Times and much more.
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Is your Church Apostate?
Apostate Church Special ** NEW ** (MARCH 2009)
(66 minutes)
What is the Apostate Church? Have many Churches really lost the plot? How can you know if your Church has really fallen away? A highly provocative and Bible-soaked discussion with Bible teacher Chris Hill.
Do you agree with what you have heard? Does it make you angry? Why not post a comment below and create a discussion?
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Obama - Beyond the Hype!
Obama Special ** NEW ** (JANUARY 2009)
(48 minutes)
A messiah or a puppet of the New World Order? A Christian in the traditional sense? In this far-reaching discussion we cover Obama's religious views, the effect on the World, the Gaza situation and various conspiracy theories.
Challenging conversation featuring renowned Bible teacher and social commentator, Tony Pearce.
HAMAS - what are they really all about?
Jan. 4, 2009 Palestinian Media Watch www.pmw.org.il
PMW's Background Brief on Hamas #1: Extermination of Jews
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
TO UNDERSTAND the causes of the Gaza conflict, it is essential to understand the Hamas ideology. Hamas presents itself as an Islamic supremacist movement. Its charter opens with a quote from the Quran: "You [Islamic nation] are the best nation that hath been raised up unto mankind." [3: 110] However, whereas many religions and cultures believe that their own traditions represent messages of truth, Hamas believes that this supremacy of Islam obligates them to commit genocide, literally to exterminate millions of people who have different beliefs, including the Jews.
The Saffron Planet Show - Episode Seven
Saffron Planet Show // December
In this seventh episode of the Saffron Planet Show, we start off with a ferret, then move smoothly into a discussion about God and evolution, before switching continents and hear a first hand report of what happened in Pakistan post 9-11, then we finish with a spirited chat on films from a Christian perspective. Phew!
Release date: 7th December 2008 // 28 minutes
What's wrong with the Church today?
Church Special ** NEW ** (DECEMBER 2008)
(53 minutes)
What is the Church? Who is in the Church and who isn't? Who thinks they are in the Church and aren't? Where has it all gone wrong and how can it be put right?
Challenging conversation featuring eminent Bible teacher, Chris Hill.
The Saffron Planet Show - Programme 6
Saffron Planet Show - Programme 5
Scripture Twisting in action!
Bible Special ** NEW ** (NOVEMBER 2008)
(32 minutes)
It's the untold story in the Christian world and surely it has to stop if Christians want to be taken seriously. Scripture twisting is rife on Christian TV. Get your Bibles ready and switch on your brains and discernment - no holds are barred in this passionate discussion by our team.
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