From Florida, to Dudley, then to the ends of the Earth?

Either there is a World revival or there isn’t?

After all it would be good to know, wouldn’t it? No other recent event has split the Christian world as the “Florida Outpouring” under Todd Bentley, followed by the brummie offshoot, the “Dudley Outpouring”. Resplendent with motto (Come and get some), slogans, (Let the Fire Fall) catchphrases (Bam!!) and desktop wallpaper, we appear to have a real 21st Century media-propagated (courtesy of God TV) phenomenon.

While the secular media, at least in the UK, has remained silent and unaware, the Christian world is split in two over the activities of the Illustrated Man in Lakeland, Florida, USA. Revival or deception? The jury is out.

Of course, from my cynical tone you are expecting a hatchet job, but I feel that would do a disservice to an issue that has already generated megabytes of polemical views. I have read much from both sides of the argument. On the one hand there has been evidence of healings and miracles, both at Lakeland (and in Dudley) and in homes worldwide, imparted through digital images by satellite or web. On the other hand there have been accusations of deception, either through innocent enthusiasm or even the implication of demonic influences, concentrating on the track record of the personalities involved. I am not going to add fuel to the fire, but rather make an obvious observation, the one made by the Rabbi Gamaliel.

For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God." (Acts 5:38-39)

Yes, let’s wait and see what comes out of it. Let us judge it by its fruit. Let us, first, imagine …

150,000 people becoming Christians within six months, enough to make a real difference in society. Pubs in the area having to close down, magistrates courts being empty through a lack of crimes committed. The work-shy becoming enthusiastic in their occupations and swear-boxes being committed to the trash cans. The open public singing of hymns. People paying their bills at the first asking, paying back all they have borrowed.

Unrealistic, perhaps, but it did happen, as a result of the Welsh revival at the start of the 20th Century, an “Outpouring” that changed a whole nation. Yet, in a sermon given on May 10th by Jerame Nelson, one of the leaders of the Revival Fires ministry at Dudley, the current revival was going to be released to a National level and, in fulfillment of a prophecy given in the last Century by Smith Wrigglesworth, is going to be the biggest move of God the UK has ever seen!

The Welsh Revival changed a nation for the better. The Methodist revival, led by the Wesley brothers and Charles Whitfield, changed the World. The Dudley revival is going to have to make major inroads into our society to live up to its billing. Nelson remarked, “God has chosen this region as an epicenter of His glory – it must hit the streets!”

So, let’s give it a chance, after all it has been packing the Church since early May, bringing in thousands of Christians from all over the UK, each eager to grab the impartation and take it back to their home Churches.

It is too early to expect the “Dudley Outpouring” to have comparable effects on our Nation as earlier revivals, so let’s look at the streets of Dudley. There is a local paper the Dudley News, that publishes local news stories on the web. Today I read of a Tom Jones impersonator, two teens killed in a road smash and a controversy involving taxicab signs. Very soon I expect to read of unexpected healings, the increase of religious fervour and the singing of hymns at the local football stadium. When and only when that starts to happen, even in a small way, the jury remains out.

But, if the situation remains the same six months down the line then I would fully expect those at the centre of these “Outpourings” to admit that they were wrong and explain why they were wrong, to the thousands of Christians who believed that we were at the edge of a major revival in this country.

On the other hand, if our nation has truly been touched by the “Dudley Outpouring” then we can all rejoice and cynical old hacks like me can cheerfully eat their words.

Comments :

how on earth can you compare the welsh revival with this

I was surprised to read that you somehow managed to compare the welsh revival with this nonsense
The welsh revival was evidenced by the fruit and as you right said hundreds of thousands turned to Christ my own grandmother was one of them !

What evidence is there in dudley that this is a revival ?
Christians travel great distances is that revival ?
Claims of healing is that revival ?
I thought revival was evidenced in salvation of lost souls
I know many people who work in dudley and no one i have spoken to even knows about the revival
It has not reached a few hundred yards
How on earth do you think it will impact the nation never mind the world
Maybe we should read what Jesus said
When he returns ( according to Jesus ) many will have grown cold and He even asked if He would find faith in the earth
That somehow does not sound like revival to me

Peter jenkins
Renewal christian Centre

nice aricle - good that it's

nice aricle - good that it's balanced- however just because a propehcy is given is no guarantee that it will come to pass - people can get in the way of it - or not play their part to make it happen - the words spoken regarding the future of revival are not guarantees of future events - "every prophetic word is a prophetic potential, not a prophetic guarantee" ... todd bentley .... there is a scripture reference that i heard for this about a king about to die who cried out to god and the propehcy was changed ( just cant rememeber where at the moment ) .... and others that give a similar idea ... jesus not being able to perform good works in nazareth etc.
to sum up what i am saying is that although i like your article we cant really sit on a nearby wall and watch what happens to judge whether these people are hearing from god or not - because the thing changes under observation (via our faith ... or unbelief ) { and yes i dont realy believe there is middle ground }

miracles on the streets of Dudley

I enjoyed your article Steve, and agree with much of it. You did write "It is too early to expect the “Dudley Outpouring” to have comparable effects on our Nation as earlier revivals, so let’s look at the streets of Dudley."
Well I'm pleased to tell you that people are getting healed and saved on the streets of Dudley, and to God be all the glory for that. See my blog which documents miraculous healings and salvations with video evidence of what is happening in Dudley. Does this mean we have full scale revival? I would say no, but it's a start. People are getting saved in the outpouring meetings too in my church. Obviously we would like to see a great harvest in Dudley and our nation. It hasn't happened to the degree we would like it to yet, but we believe that it will happen. Revival does need a marked seachange in our spiritual climate with people getting convicted to repent and accept Christ en masse. Like the early church, we need the demonstration of the Spirit's power (1 Corinthians 2 4-5) to show a sceptical world that Jesus is real and He loves them. However, it is true that outpouring is not the same as revival, and we need revival for the UK. I believe that as the body of Christ unite to the common cause of getting the gospel outside the church buildings, and seek God fervently, putting Christ firmly at the centre of ministry activity, then we will see revival.

Richard S
Dudley, England

Miracles on the streets of Dudley ? 07/15/2008

Out of interest, How is Dudley now, Richard S? Nearly 12 months after your input to Saffronplanet? Is it full of born again and joyful Travellers on The Way? We certainly need them ! I Recommend Steve's newest book ' 'How the church has lost The Way, and how it can find it again" Enid.

Thats a very good point Enid

Thats a very good point Enid . When these hyped events end , they're normally forgotten and then a new church fad will come along and take it's place .

May I add to the list :

1. What happened to the 'Prayer of Jabez' books , they sold in the MILLIONS , so what was that all about ?

2. Purpose Driven life book , will change your life in 30 days , really , has it ?

3. All those supposed healings at Lakeland , and people being raised from the dead .... Well where are they ?

It gets to the point that I'm wary of anything big and popular in the christian culture . The good stuff always seems less popular .

reply to 'Thats a very good point Enid

......good stuff always seems less popular.'
i.e. The Word of God !!!. Enid

Dudley Outpouring

I think the Dudley Outpouring is absolutely wonderful. I loved Lakeland and I love Dudley, and I liked Trevor Baker being so gracious about Todd Bentley. We are all sinners in the sight of the Lord, and Todd won't be the first or the last of the anointed to fall by the wayside. Personally I think anything that puts God on the forefront of the media agenda is a good thing. People are being saved, healed, restored. Praise God. Praise God for all of it. If it is God's will to restore and heal Todd Bentley and use him again, then great. All things happen for a purpose and what happened in Lakeland was a good reminder of how easily Satan can get a foothold. The lessons from there have been learned. Roll on the blessings from Dudley and Firestorm, would that it was burning already all over the country.

Miracles have always happened

Miracles have always happened on the streets if Christians would pray for people. But that does not make the Florida outpouring a blessing from God. I have seen the Blind and the cripples healed on the streets without having to go for all the hype. We should look at the root to test the fruit as the Word tells use. Spiritulists and new age heal as well. If people took the Word of God seriously then they would act on what the scripture tells us in Deuteronomy Ch 30 v 13. Not to travel to get a blessing but to seek God for themselves, in their own closet.


Wow! That's certainly jarred the complacency of an old cynic! Healing in the streets of Dudley! To be frank, I wasn't expecting it but your video testimonies of ordinary folk really tell a story. Looks like some kind of re-examination is needed here. We are doing a new recording on the "revival" at the end of next week and I will examine your blog again in time for that and add it to the mix. Truly a God of surprises.


Dudley revival?

I've been watching the events in florida and have no doubt that something real is happening. As for dudley this is the first i have heard about this. I am a church elder and live a few miles from dudley and this is the first i have heard about this. Whatever is going on i am convinced that the way we have done church for years is not Gods way of doing church.

The church needs to get back to its first love. That is christ centered smack bang in the middle of every thing we do. Gods people have much seeking and repenting to do. when we do this then we will see nationwide revival.

If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, come into mind.

From Florida, to Dudley, then to the ends of the Earth?

Hi Steve
Just wanted to applaud your excellent comments - I've read so many totally negative words about Lakeland it's good to hear that some folks are waiting for fruit.


Dudley Outpouring

I don't know about Pentecostal revivals, but last year I was hanging around at a loose end in Dudley (don't ask) and I stumbled upon a bookshop/cafe/church with a name that had something to do with fires and being a nosy sort, went inside.

I had a chat with a very nice lady who welcomed me and told me all about their ministry, gave me some brocures and most importantly, a free cup of tea. The tea was lovely and very gratefully received. Their hospitality was most welcoming and, if they treat all visitors in that way, a lovely example of Christianity. The Dudley Tea Outpouring really impressed this cynical old Anglican.
Goose xx

Brilliant! Actually, could

Brilliant! Actually, could that have been Revival Fires, who are based in Dudley?