Todd Bentley - the fall and the fallout!

Yes, we are called to show mercy, not to wallow in righteous judgement and, hey, think of his wife and kids ... but ... a BIG BUT ... this guy freely fell into the arms of the marketeers of and welcomed our praise, adulation and worship while the going was good.

Forget all that - what is the World saying!? For once their cynicism is going to be spot on and the cause of world evangelism has taken a mighty blow to the ribs. And the reason for this?

We first set the scene with an extract from the Board of Directors of Todd Bentley's own ministry (founded by Todd himself as a vehicle for his efforts), Fresh Fire Ministries, on August 12th.

"The Lord’s blessings and abundance have been so evident on the ministry during this season of intense activity and we rejoice in seeing and being able to participate in what we believe is only the beginning of a worldwide awakening. It is with considerable sadness then, that we must temper the jubilation we know you all feel with the sobering news that Todd and Shonnah Bentley are presently experiencing significant friction in their relationship and are currently separated. We want to affirm that there has been no sexual immorality on the part of either Todd or Shonnah, nor has there ever been." (italics mine)

So he's human after all, you will say. Hundreds of days on end, on revival duty, can take a toll on a marriage I suppose. That would be a fair response to the news. But there's more. Three days later, the Board of Directors posted a new announcement (read it yourself on

"We wish to acknowledge, however, that since our last statement from the Fresh Fire Board of Directors, we have discovered new information revealing that Todd Bentley has entered into an unhealthy relationship on an emotional level with a female member of his staff. In light of this new information and in consultation with his leaders and advisors, Todd Bentley has agreed to step down from his position on the Board of Directors and to refrain from all public ministry for a season to receive counsel in his personal life."

Yes, he is human and there are pressures. But, hey, this was THE revival, we were told, pumped into millions of homes worldwide. Todd Bentley allowed himself to front this whole thing ("Todd Bentley's Florida Healing Outpouring" was the billing given to him by, who subjected us to a promo video of Todd everytime we entered their website), was prayed over publicly by the whole gang of revival "apostles" as today's man of God. And, remember, all this time, Todd knew and never told. While he was preaching, healing, shouting, encouraging, "bamming" and proclaiming, Todd knew and never told. Todd knew that his marriage was not OK, even dragged his poor wife on stage during his "commissioning" by the apostles. All that time Todd knew and never told - his own Board of Directors evidently didn't even know, the people who he was accountable to, who were covering him. But Todd didn't just have a broken marriage, but he was carrying on with a female member of staff! This is sordid, this is dishonouring at the best of times, but for the man at the helm of "the greatest revival this World has ever seen ....", it was inexcusable.

Yes, this has been a rant, but for one reason only - the damage this has done to the wider body of Christians worldwide. To the secular world we are all tarred with the same brush. We've had to put up with the dithering Anglicans, gay clergy and unbelieving bishops. Now this! As I said, we live in a cynical world. The Florida Revival made many claims, supported by umpteen prophecies and endorsements by prominent Christians. And, thanks to the media, however much good the revival may have been to some, how many people have truly been healed through it, the revival was ALWAYS billed as TODD BENTLEY'S revival. To bring the whole thing down in the eyes of the World, you just had to bring him down. I hear deep chuckling from deep places.

The reaction of has been telling. Dropped the whole thing like a hot potato. Now tell us Christians that the whole thing wasn't about Todd Bentley. When are we going to stop hinging our faith on individuals?

Perhaps we can all move on now, a lesson learnt?

Comments :

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Todd Bentley Update - March 2009

I've posted an update on my Lakeland Page. It's an article by by Lee Grady of Charisma Magazine in the US called "THE TRAGIC SCANDAL of GREASY GRACE". Together with his own observations, he reports on Todd's recent divorce and subsequent marriage to one of his interns. Details are here:


So, another leader can't keep it in his trousers. Whether in church or more secular enterprises anyone who puts in loads of hours whilst neglecting their families will ultimately pay the price. It's not Satan or some spiritual mystery. It's common sense.

I just wish the leaders of churches and christian organisations would show as much grace and understanding for members of their congregations who 'fall into sin'. These leaders are oft quick to boot out immoral members whilst encouraging their flocks to ignore the miscreant(s) until the come to full repentance. The church does all it can to get people to sign up then does it damndest to boot them out again. Good job God doesn't have the same low standards.

Todd Bentley artical

In answewr to the primary question in the front page artical of this web site "what should we learn" from the Outpouring.

1. What a gracious God we have, who uses, trusts and loves people like you, me and Todd, to do the work he wants done.

2. When I, you and Todd fail, there is no other option left open to a Christian but to forgive totaly, help the person and restore them gently.

Was God 'in' what happened, is happening and will happen through the Outpouring in Lakeleand? Without doubt! "To God be the Glory, Great things he has done", is doing, and will do, using, crude men, even fishermen, tax collectors, and people like you and me. Please Lord.

I give thanks for Todd, and look forward to the day when we see and hear of the grace of God to forgive this man and ree a rightious outcome on the earth, and the redeaming power of His amazing Love for ALL OF US. His command to US is to LOVE ONE ANOTHER, EVEN THE UNLOVABLE, even the fallen, even sinners, even yourself with all that you have done, and even Todd.

God bless you all, God bless you Todd, and your family and all those wonderful people who have blessed so many around the world. God bless the team at Ignited Church, God TV, the Apostles and Prophets.

Thank you Jesus for your grace and love. Thank you for the song that declares "You are here now, with the power to heal, and the grace to forgive."

Alan Vincent. Bridgnorth England. (forgive my spelling errors please)



I quite appreciate your

I quite appreciate your comment and believe all of us- Saints should at this moment come together and lift TODD up in prayers, this is not the time to trade blames, it is that time to keep working, keep reaping, it is time of great harvest. No matter what we will keep, keeping on. The Lord had rightly said '... I will build my Church. And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it'. So saints across the world dont let us be weary, but trusting the Lord. Thanks. Matthew

Todd Bentley

I happen to think that Todd was and still is a gifted man of God who, despite problems in his private life sought through guidance from the Holy Spirit, to bring God's grace and hope through a worldwide tv network to millions. We should not sit in judgement, Remember David in the Old Testament.... But God went on to mightily use him.
We all know that, as Christians God considers all sins to be wrong but he may hate the sin but he loves the sinner.
Todd only has to seek the forgiveness of the Lord, which I am sure he already has for this sin and has far as the East is from the West, that is how far our sins have been removed from us. Let us just get up and move on. The one unpardonable sin that we could commit is turning our back on what and who we believe in. All other sins are pardonable, let us not forget that there was only one perfect man and that man ... our dear Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Todd Bentley aftermath

Those who are judging and criticising Todd and the christianity - how many souls have you brought to the Lord; how many healings especially terminal ones have you cuased to happen in the name of Jesus?

If none or not many - then shut up and ask God for answers. God asked Job, Where were you when I made ...?" T D Jakes would say, "Your werent there>"



todd is a fraud

as a christian we all face temptation and fall but to continue in the public eye and to decieve people the way todd and all those 'big wig evengelists' have done is despicable and has robbed me of the little trust i had. after 46years a christian i am now quetioning if i can ever listen to another preacher.....................not because of todd bentley ...but because my pastors and leaders in the Clydebank Elim Church in Scotland Uk are continuing to encourage involvement in this man and his ministry and threw me out of my lifelong church because i dared to question its authenticity. the damage the clydebank elim church have done to the testimony of christian faith to myself and my family and all of those whom i have witnessed to is enormous and unless a proper acknowledgement of their prideful sin is confessed in humility then i can only say God help them for their fleshly living and for not having faith in God to be able to openly confess they were taken in and that I was right about the discernment that this man was not operating rightly as a man of God should....I was 46years in the Clydebank Elim church but can not encourage anyone to go there now as they embrace all these weird teachings and are willing to overlook the blatant sin instead of warning people of the end time false prophets, but instead embrace the sin and the sinner.

Todd Bentley "the Fall and the Fallout".

When Paul and Silas went to Berea it says in Acts 17v11 "the Bereans received the message with eagerness and examined the Scriptures EVERDAY to see if what Paul said was true".In 1st Corinthians14 vs29 "two or three prophets should speak and the others weigh CAREFULLY what is said".In 1st Cor4v6 Paul says "so that you may LEARN from us the meaning of the saying "Do not go beyond what is written"and Paul was applying this "means test"to himself and Apollos!!.The Bible teaches abundantly clearly[please see above] that those who would lead,teach or prophesy have to come under scrutiny and their actions and teachings must fall into line with Holy writ.The logical conclusion is,of course we are not to limit God but SCRIPTURE teaches us we are not accept everything and anything "carte blanche" from those who "purport" to be led by God.Now the crunch question is ,in the light of overwhelming evidence,can those who have supported/followed Todd Bentleys teaching and in light of his association,his being mentored by those whose teaching "goes beyond that which is written" can you say you have applied OBJECTIVELY"this Scriptural means test"to him??.In 1st Corinthians 4v14 Paul writes these words "I am not writing this to shame you but to warn you".There are those who are more learned than I who have expressed grave doubts and misgivings about these "revivals" and I would suspect that their motive is precisely the same as Pauls!!!! "Not to shame but to warn".

thrown out of my clydebank elim church

well todd did go beyond scripture and when a member of the elim church in clydebank asked her pastor for advice he took offence that she did not trust his leading and had meetings in private with the leadership and took her membership from her even though he know she was a godly woman who sacrificed all she had in every way for the sake of Christ and the gospel.... it seems a cover up for his own misdemeanors of which he had been found out and was asked to be accountable for....what manner of a man would take a membership from someone recovering from major cancer surgery who had served in the same church for 46 years since a child and who had nothing but the concern of the church and the people who worshipped there......................i will tell you....a man who knew he was decieved but was scared ofhis position being challenged if this godly lady ever told anyone else............she didnt as she trusted him only to be damaged by him and the corruption he has sowed in the hearts of the leadership who...leets face it are to be found wnting in their own lives.....sexual sin..theft...lies......driving illegally with no road name a few.......and all holding office in the leadership...would you want to go there??? this lady still loves them but i thinkl they did her a favour by taking her membership.....another lady has sent an email saying she is afraid to speak out in case she is next...a well.....thats the elim church for you.

Glasgow Elim Churches/Bentley

The Bentley affair has also affected many from other Elim churches including Glasgow Elim in Govanhill. It is sad and unbelievable that Bentley was not noticed for the false prophet he was prior to his adultery. Look at some authentic youtube videos of Bentley and he can be seen calling down angels and getting the crowd into a frenzied state, claiming that God told him to hit and kick people for healing. The Bentley saga only goes to show that all the Toronto stuff and other charasmatic junk that is going around churches these days has blinded so many. John Arnott and Benny Hinn both claim to get anointed from Kathryn Kuhlman's bones in her grave!!!, oh come on how daft are Christians getting these days!! guest

God tvs response to Todd Bentley and the florida revival

Rory and Wendy stated that from the beginning they would stop showing the Florida outpouring if they ever found anything wrong with it- and that is what they did. They have now released a statement- which clearly shows the compassion and desire to move on we should all have.

God tv

It's a pity they don't have the same attitude to the rest of the prosperity/ extra Biblical teaching they air on the channel most of it makes the world laugh at us and does nothing to save the lost.

god tv

i have withdrawn my support of rory alec and wendy alec as it is now obvious they are following a different christ. it is a shame how they have been spoilt by fame and lost direction. The prophecy of wendy was not right and obviously a woman caught up with grandiosity with no accountability............such a sad event. my trust in christians is becoming very hard now and going to church such an effort..not because of christ but because of the leaders and pastors....shameful.

Wendy Alec

Who is going to throw the first stone.

I don't know what's happened

I don't know what's happened to Wendy Alec . I find most of the 'christian' tv channels awful with lots of fraudulent money preachers . I'd recommend Genesis TV and UCB which on the whole are very good .

your trust in christians and leaders

Okay christians let you down, leaders did let you down, But What did you expect when the Bible says Trust in the Lord? People who completely rely on man rather than God have a bad tendency of being woken up as if it were a dream. Even Jesus did not commit himself to people because he Knew who they were!! This whole blame game doesn't help you if you're continuing to get lost in your sin, Jesus shed his blood for sinners and there is an eternity, where will u spend it?

Todd bentley

I never once looked at the man Todd Bentley but saw the Christ in his healing powers, the fact that he called on the name of Jesus, proclaimed that he was the son of God was enough.

There's been negative press about this man from the day he stepped on the stage, i myself was some what taken back by his appearance but if God can use me then why not Todd Bentley.

Many people (Christian) spoke against him instead of praying. Jonah:2v1-4.

All have sinned and come short of the glory of God Amen

Todd Bentley

I was saved by the coverage of the Florida outpouring. I had never watched a religious channel before and came accross a tattooed man on God TV by accident, in May. Because he looked different i listened to what he had to say. I gave my life to Jesus at a church within the week, was baptised last Friday and am going to train to be part of the ministry team shortly. I have been blessed with the prophetic and cannot thank Todd and God TV enough for my salvation. I was definitely going to hell for the life i was leading and didnt even know i was doing wrong in the eyes of God. I feel so blessed and thank God every day for his mercy. Bless you all. I cant find it in my heart to condemn Mr Bentleys actions because i found God. My daughter has given her life to Christ too. My family has been so touched by the Lord i cant find the words to explain the joy contained deep within me. Blessings to all of you who can forgive.

dear brothers may god bless you

I do believe that you have been save by the Lord throught this ministry and through God tv channell, however my dear brother you faith must be in God for people will always fail you. one can been given a ministry by the lord Jesus but still, we are call to test everyone message through the word of God. it was Todd choice to fall out of God will. and as christian though we forgiven him, for todd and other christians good we have the duties to condemn him, test him and call him to repentance and he must bear the consequences of his sin. God does forgive all sin that are confessed and forsaken, and in is grace some of these sins consequences wills be removed, but that depend on God only.

Todd Bentley

Thought Jesus came to save the world not condem it

Todd bentley "I was saved by the coverage freshfire"

Amen to the person saved by todd's teachings, Who are you all to go judging? let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!

How can a man so blessed by god taking the healing power of jesus to the world be a fraud?


this lady/man worries me as

this lady/man worries me as does her /his church. To become a born again Christian is one thing, to begin training for involvement in a ministry team is quite another. Scripture warns strongly against giving "young & immature Christians" any responsibility; it is wrong. Bad for them - it puffs them up! and bad for those that they "minister" to, from a position of ignorance. The blind leading the blind! After 1 month in the faith to claim a prophetic ministry is mind -boggling. What calibre of leadership is exercised in the church he/she attends?

yes it does warn against

yes it does warn against puffing up a young believer in pride by exalting him to quickly, but a ministry team is an oportunity to serve along side more mature believers, how long should we wait before stepping out and following the example of Jesus, healing the sick preaching the good news, Jesus called fishermen, get a grip. friend

I would be interested to know

I would be interested to know who it is that you speak of when you say the young and immature i know of plenty of people who go to church every Sunday,been going for years actually, in there late forties maybe older know the Bible in and out they do,but their still young and immature christians . God uses who HE wants not who you think he should use whether it be young or old. Your focus should be on God and what he wants and not what you want.Think about it.

Todd Bentley

All this talk and debate about Todd, whether he is a good man or not, should we doubt everything he's said, is the Lakeland revival genuine, should we all turn our backs? nauseum! How the enemy must be dancing for joy, attack one man and the whole thing comes tumbling down, so little effort for so much return and we just play into his hands! We should be ashamed.

Step back. Look at the evidence of your own eyes. Were people healed? Did people come to faith? Has Lakeland made the world a brighter place? YES, YES and YES. The enemy got a good kicking as a result of this revival and he has kicked back. Todd was just the messenger, do his personal problems make the message any less true? Of course they don't! Do his problems unheal those who were healed? Of course not. Todd was just the tool God used, he never claimed to be anything more than that as far as I know. Yes, he courted the media, but who wouldn't if they beleived they had good news to share, ask yourself, how else do you spread the news? How can you reach the nations of the world? The problem is that the media are not collectively interested in good news, here in the UK we see celebrities names made and destroyed all the time by a media machine that manufactures "news" which is a polite way of saying gossip. All they collectively care about is circulation, nothing else; so courting them and enlisting their help makes you vulnerable every time.

I'm in danger of ranting here, so I'll conclude by saying God bless you Todd. You did good work and you will continue to do so. I pray God will heal your family and restore that which He knows should be restored. I respect your privacy and hope others will be able to distinguish between personal and public. Let God blow away all the enemy's smoke and mirrors so that we all see the evidence, not the camouflage.

To all the rest I ask you, when the man in front you trips, don't step on him, PICK HIM UP!! Isn't that what God does for each and every one of us each and avery day of our lives? Isn't that at the heart of our faith? Throughout the Bible, who is the Accuser and who is the Forgiver: WHICH SIDE DO YOU WANT TO BE ON?

God bless you all.



Todd Bentley

I agree we need to pray for Todd and his wife not judge them. It was plain to see that God used Todd and the Devil would stop at nothing to destroy Todd. There but for the grace of God go I.

It's not plain to see that

It's not plain to see that God used Todd at all.

Impartation ~ is it kosher?

A question has been asked about impartation, not in the bible. Well, it is in a way I suppose, e.g., Peter prayed for new Christians in Acts and they received the fullness of the Holy Spirit and either prophesied or spoke in tongues of praise thereafter. That was impartation: the devil is very very jealous of the good gifts of God and likes to copy the lot, including false salvation & etc., and so the King of Liars thought, here's a guy I can use (viz. T.B.) so I'll use him for'apparent' good to a certain degree & then Zap Bam - get him to impart my spirit all over the world. And Todd had a damned (sic) good try rather like Beny H. Just supposing that thousands 'took' this unholy impartation, back to say a church here and a church here and one in Dudley etc! Then the impartees did the same and soon millions would have received from the pit of hell. I believe that this was a master plan foiled, probably by clean and holyminded prayers the world over, and much spiritual damage has been avoided - this time! Next time, well Satan will continue to test at God's behest and we should now expect a fresh onslaught. I would ask you two questions : have you been baptized in the holy spirit? If not seek it, stop talking about a soppy form of love that is leading many down the wrong road, and seek a baptism of discernment and power to know truth. Or do you with false understanding think that you are so baptized? ..and you have love, discernment, knowledge, i.e., all or some of the gifts of the spirit? Seek it now and save your soul : tens of thousands have alreay failed the test of simple wisdom andalways say well, God loves us all doesn't He? Not exactly, for the wrath of God is to fall upon this planet very soon and has already started. Jesus theLogos is the 'Love of God' and ...well you know the rest don't you.

Todd Bentley

It is not good for people to go into ministry before they have crucified their old nature. Everybody has got and idea of what is in a person even if they cannot put their finger on it or prove it. It does not matter what someone has done in the past as long as it has really been delt with and removed. the ministry done to christians today just seems to be to shout at the demons in them which may bring a few out (which then just return with friends) and then tell them that they are free and all has been delt with. We are all sinners and all have weaknesses but they can be removed by the cross, following Jesus down the narrow way by faith for the crucifiction of the flesh (for if by the Spirit you are putting to death the works of the flesh then you shall live .Romans)Then when we have peace and joy the power comes with that unity and we can do the real thing and not just go through the motions with everybody knowing something is not right.
Well God bless Tom Bentley, there is always another chance, and the sky is the limit for anyone who will fall into the ground and die, but as it stands at the moment I know a lot of people who talk about how they have suffered for the Lord and followed the way of the cross but I have seen no fruit what so ever from anyone yet. I long to see the real thing in action.

The events at Lakeland have

The events at Lakeland have attracted the attention of many outside the church , but they are not as perturbed or shocked by the recent sad news of Bentley's marriage as much as those in the Church. It is mainly Christians who are shaken by all this, and perpetuating a storm in a tea cup.

We all know the scriptures how the world is going to be shaken, and that judgement starts in the house of God. Thus the church will logically be shaken first. God is going to be using a lot more Bentleys - real and raw, warts and all - to shake away some of the religious garbage and theological paradigms that we evangelicals, pentecostals, charismatics, and 3rd wavers have inherited from hundreds of years of accumulation. All that is not of Christ will be shaken - out of each of us who love the Lord.

The events at Lakeland

Amen to that. It's not news to people in the world that preachers aren't perfect. Also, I don't think God is as fussed as we are about washing our dirty linen in public.


surely we must remember there are many outside the is they who are sceptical and afraid to come in the doors when they see the dirty linen.our garments should be white as snow...........oh god help us all...........we are truly unfit for your presence.........give the leaders a heart for truth and a fearless spirit to lead as men should.

Todd Bentley

Yes this transgression of Todd's cannot be condoned but at the same time we are all attacked each and every day by the demons of Satan especially at our most weakest moments and our weakest areas. By this I mean hereditory illness, curses etc. If you are already one of the devils sinners and unbelievers he has no need to attack but just keep you down. Another way to look at it is that if what Todd was preaching was so important a message surely Satan would send out an almighty demonic attack on Todd which would weaken him. These attacks have already been prophesised on the outpouring, You think the Devil is just sitting back?

I have been healed through the outpouring and faith and the hereditory curse has tried several times to come back and I have managed to overcome the attack by attacking back with the Glory of Jesus' name. This is not the first time as my daughter and myself had lactose intolerence, attending hospital and all symptoms were healed 4yrs ago including my daughter's swelling and rash pre-empting possible anafalactic shock. These symptoms have came back to both of over the last few yrs, when I am weak and tired etc, but I have fought the attack and they go away. However some attacks on others can be much greater depending on the good the person does.

King David was one of God's most favoured and he not only committed adultery but sent her husband out to be killed yet he was forgiven and God showed him mercy. Again not to be condoned but Todd's family's curse of adultery,(parents broken marriage etc) has obviously been the one used here when he has been weakend through attack. God still loves him and can still use him if he is repenting and walking God's path. Look at your own life and try following the hereditory curses and illnesses, addiction,abuse, violence, anger etc.

Would God still be able to use you when you repent...Saul/Paul persecuted Christians and God set out to change him. Just open your mind to the possibility that is all I ask. God Bless you all and may the Holy Spirit enlighten you.

Perspective required

Let's have some perspective on Lakeland. A local revival - can we call it a refreshing? - was picked up by a tv channel and turned into a global phenomenon. It became this largely because of the exposure and promotion it received.

Some people who were hungry got blessed, others hyped themselves up to believe they were walking on clouds, others didn't get much out of it at all.

What happened at Lakeland and what came out of Lakeland was revivalism. It's not the same thing as revival. That said, revivalism is not a bad thing. Better a zealous people than a sleepy people. But it wasn't revival in the classic sense, necessarily.

And Todd Bentley was found out to have personal problems. So what? It doesn't negate any good that came out of Lakeland, neither does it merit people calling him a charlatan and saying he's of the devil. Neither does it warrant all the armchair prophets and self-appointed blog watchmen castigating leaders for trying to align Todd Bentley with the Body of Christ and impose some order into things.

Lakeland is a great exercise in and example of the media to impact our perception of what is really going on. Yes, we should be discerning because of this. But we don't need a witchhunt since there are no witches involved. Gullible people, yes. Broken people, absolutely. And people still hungry for God to really move in our generation, undoubtedly.

thrown out of my church

i checked todds theology claims against the bible teaching i was brought up with in clydebank elim church and was so concerned i approached my pastor to ask his thing i know i have had my membership taken from me because i 'didnt trust the pastors leading the church into todds ministry' etc. i have been in that same church since i was 4years old and am now almost 51. the area bosses over the pastor prefer to lose a member thaqn to stand up for the truth and despite them being informed they sit on the fence because they too are taken in and say it is still of we throw the bible out now and forrlow the leader...even if obviously being decieved....ah circumstances are now different to what i would have liked and the whole church have been lied to about me but if god is in control then i can wait for the justice that must come. meanwhile i try to build the brokeness and fallout thatthis 'pastor' and his corrupt leadership are doing to the poor innocents who are still trusting in their would think with a church qith two pastors that one of them would have the guts to do the honorouble thing. no wonder the world is attractive when the church is so corrupt.

Todd Bentley - the fall and the fallout!

Wow, that hurts saltysteve. It hurts and was uncomfotable to read because you pretty much got it right. This disaster is a disaster for all of us who love the body of Christ. Todd was inextricably linked to this outpouring and the final word from those looking in will be about another so called Christian leader being corrupt. All the annointing and changed lives will be discounted and unrecognised. Also those not too familiar with the ways of the Spirit will just discount it all as rubbish as some on this page are already doing. People are complex and people who walked with God in the bible were often also guilty at times (ie, Adam, Aaron, Moses, David, Soloman and others). I'm also thinking of Katherine Kulman and the struggles she had. It's uncomfortable to think that people who are flawed can be so annointed but this is a truth that will be lost on nonbelivers and those Christians who don't want to recognise annointings.

Christ does have the ultimate victory but sometimes (actually quite a lot) the Devil gets to win individual battles and he's majorly ahead on points in this one now.
God TV - Bam!
All those apostles praying over Todd - Bam!
Sheekaboomba! this hurts but keep the faith brothers - Bam!


Do you know, I hate when people Gossip. Todd Bentley might not have been the most righteous man, and agreeably, a lot of the "outpouring" was questionable... but who are we to "cast the first stone". Get over it and let God be God and use your time more productively. The bible says "Go make disciples of all nations" - not "go gossip about another mans fall"

Gossip 2

I'm not a Christian, so I don't have to live by your 'cast the first stone' rule. If this lad Todd Bentley wants to put himself out there in the spotlight then he has to deal with the consequences, just like every wannabe celebrity out there. Todd Bentley has done everything he could to get noticed by the media and now the media have turned on him, just like they'd turn on anyone stupid enough of get caught out. I throw and I throw hard.


The men with influence within

The men with influence within the charismatic world are very silent except perhaps the one's who are trying to protect their own empires.So many men have bought into the whole Toronto/Prophetic movement/Lakeland thing that to admit their mistakes over the past 10 years or so would mean sheep heading for the door and them having to find a real job in the big bad secularised world.By the way I speak as one who believes in the spiritual gifts and in particular the gift of prophecy.
Two stories I have heard in the last few days worry me:
A pastor friend was talking a few weeks ago to a well known repected elder statesman within the charismatic movement who warned him to have nothing to do with Todd Bentley or the 'outpouring'.However nothing publicly!These lads know how to protect their backs and ministries as the poor old sheep run after the grass of superspirituality.
Yesterday I read a pastoral letter from the leader of one of the leading Lakeland supporting churches in the UK.I was stunned!Concern for Todd yes but basically saying the Lakeland thing was of God and that he uses broken people,cracked pots or did he mean crackpots!!Broken people yes but not stage men who have so many questions hanging over their claims and character.This leader in question ( a nice guy by the way) is very intelligent and has the letters after his name to prove it but I suspect that to really tell it like it is would be to sabotage the reputation of his own ministry and indeed that of his famous church.Too many jobs hang on the coat-tails of the Charismatic Rollercoaster.Meanwhile a world with more sense than most Christians sees through the scam immediately.Weird or what? Come back George Fox!


The mandate for global evangelism doesn't change.

It is easy to point the finger at Todd Bentley, and say words to the effect of "I told you so", and assume that as a result of what happened to him that the revival must have been false. How ignorant and naive that would be. As Todd himself said, this healing outpouring revival was never about him, but a sovereign move of God. It continues to touch people's lives inside the church and outside. All the healings, signs wonders and miracles were the work of Jesus Christ. Of course the enemy will always target high profile leaders, but we should never make the mistake of putting any human being on too great a platform, but always focus on God, and what He is doing because it is ultimately all about Him. We should pray for restoration in this situation, and the continued move of God's Spirit.
The important question is whether through this revival people have been changed, and God is impacting nations. The answer is unequivocally yes. Many people have been healed, a number of miracles have been authenticated and documented, and many have given their lives to Jesus Christ. Miracles are still happening on the streets of England too as I document in my blog and the outpouring meetings at my church will continue indefinitely. As Christians we must decide whether we are going to forgive and build up people or play devil's advocate. Let's not forget too that this revival hit a church, Ignited Church in Lakeland Florida pastored by Stephen Strader who continues to steward the outpouring, so there are key people who have always been involved besides just Todd Bentley. Also many people from all over the world have received an impartation of the anointing, and are now using it in their churches, communities, and nations to see God impact people's lives through His love and power. We can either spend our time criticizing people, or loving God and His people, and sharing Jesus Christ with a lost, needy, and hurting world.

open your bible/leaders supporting todd are also wrong.

how can you possibly try to continue a ministry that was polluted from the beginning.
I spoke to my own pastor three months ago to say this man was not carrying the right spirit but had compromised Jesus with his rotten fruit. it has cost me dearly. Like GodTv calling us 'religious' 'pharisees' and not as spiritually advanced, lacking discernment etc etc and so forth.I HAVE BEEN HEAD HUNTED FROM MY CHURCH OF MY CHILDHOOD AND MY MEMBERSHIP WITHDRAWN.............evicted for standing up and saying dont rush in to this mans ministry. I was accused of not trusting the pastors spiritual covering and leading I was forbidden the right to worship or pray openly. I was overnight ostracised and am now having it investigated.but still fell they wil close ranks as you are doing now...................covering it all up.
the impartation was from a flawed LIAR and no-one should accept anything they have recieved but should ask for forgiveness for running after the loaves and fishes instead of the Lord Jesus. I wold not let anyone lay hands on me who had been to or has been involved with this man. He has had so much to say and now he owes me an apology for stealing my church family of 46years from me............because I was a Berean and saw through it all....I am a nobody so how can all these MIGHTY LEADERS get away with not being answerable.they too are to blame and I would not trust another pastor saying 'thus says the Lord' ever again....eveyone must check for themselves what the Bible says and MAKE OUR LEADERS ACCOUNTABLE> instead we the poor sheep are led to the slaughter if we dare to....touch gods annointed? what a twist of scripture...We are ALL annointed of God. It is in the Good Book.
Call it what it is....Men of God not knowing the Shepheds voice.
I am disgusted and feel like ive been raped by my own church in scotland uk for daring to speak out my concerns.
I want justice and will be very surprised if there is any humility from my pastor and leadership who have made me suffer for the last months and stole my life. 'they and all involved by going on with this farce of a revival should be ashamed'

well done

well done for speaking out for God,and standing up for the truth,
If you stand up for the truth,you will definatly be persecuted and
hunted,but you must accept this,its a hard teaching,but you must accept
it as part of your faith,but dont get downhearted,praise God that youve been seen as worthy to suffer for the truth,
Jesus said,I am the truth the way and the life,no one comes to the father but by me!
I sent an Email to this faker,telling him what I thought of his so called ministry,he was always going to fall brother,and you were right reject
what wasnt of God.
have you been hunted for the truth,now I know your true.rejoice,praise God even more,are you being lied about for righteousness,be glad in your time of testing brother,and praise the name of Jesus Christ even
more,its just a testing,and remember that God loves you,so remain faithfull and he will restore you to an even happier position than you had previously.

open your bible/leaders supporting etc

Hello anonymous Scottish person, I'm also in Scotland. Your pain and anger is nationwide (or worldwide?) and I also have experienced similar. There is a growing number of true believers who have been indoctrinated into accepting the so-called "authority" of church leaders. Things are not what they seem. What is really going on here? Have a look at to read similar stories of what amounts to SPIRITUAL ABUSE in our churches. It has many testimonies regarding "submission to authority" and what the true biblical perspective of that is. You are not alone. Email me if you want to chat more about this :

Open your bible/leaders supporting todd are also wrong

I believe that your pastors were right to ask you to leave. Not because you were wrong, but because they were! I was in a similar situation two years ago after being 'berean' about the 'Purpose Driven Life' Rick Warren book and I left - in tears. However, I was not dealt the heavy hand that you were. I think you need to look very carefully at the people you were in fellowship with. It does feel weird initially not to go regularly to church, but it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I've spent the last two years on a 'faith' walk. The Lord has shown me so much from my private study of the Bible and spending time with Him. There have been false prophets and there are false prophets and there will continue to be false prophets. Thankfully, you recognised the false prophet and teacher for what Todd is. It isn't for you to seek justice though. Forgive your pastors for their attitude and the seemingly hard line they've taken with you, but the best thing you can do is 'go on a walk with the Lord' and spend time with Him. He is your shepherd, the best Pastor you will ever have, and ask Him to open your eyes and to show you the things He wants you to see. You will be pleasantly surprised at what the Lord will do. This will be a catalyst for change for you, so embrace it. The Lord doesn't allow these things to happen for no reason at all.