What's wrong with the Church today?
Church Special ** NEW ** (DECEMBER 2008)
(53 minutes)
What is the Church? Who is in the Church and who isn't? Who thinks they are in the Church and aren't? Where has it all gone wrong and how can it be put right?
Challenging conversation featuring eminent Bible teacher, Chris Hill.
Comments :
Ten Indictments against the Modern Church, by Paul Washer
Submitted by guest on Mon, 03/16/2009 - 09:46.(from Enid) : Replying to 'What's wrong with the Church today?' - there can be no more passionate, honest, fully heartfelt and comprehensive response than that given by Paul Washer in this lesson, found through your website under 'GodsPOD'. Thank you Saffronplanet! (thank ;you too Chris, for the daily devotional - most encouraging!) Although addressing a congregation in the USA, Paul Washer's message is surely just as much needed in the UK and I urge all to take the time (nearly 2 hours) to quietly and sincerely listen. In the UK we have a Prime Minister who refers to himself as 'son of the Manse' and yet somewhat disparagingly dismissed the views of Bishops on the current borrowing as 'being a very moral view' ; (Dear God, we need the moral view today more than ever !) an ex Prime Minister who ignored the voice of the Archbishop of Canterbury in taking us into war with Iraq, who, on leaving office entered the Catholic faith and now tells Christians in this country what we should be doing, (what he so abysmally failed to do whilst in office) while his wife appears on national TV to give us her view on Christianity. We sit, not like sheep, but goats, and let it all happen. We have a Prince in waiting for the throne who wants to be 'Defender of Faith' - not THE faith. This man, Paul Washer, speaks like the William Wilberforce this country now needs, but could not produce. I weep with him as he cries out - WHAT HAVE WE DONE ? - as indeed Our Lord must weep. The Speaker makes it clear that he does not want any one of us to hear him and jump up and down saying 'bravo' (or 'pumping arms' as he puts it) for each and every one of us is guilty and complicit in this present situation. How can it be put right?
We are in the midst of battle - spiritual warfare - and that is an individual matter day by day from the moment we step out of bed, for it is individuals who together make a nation, young and old. I have written to 'HeartCry' in the UK to see if a copy of this magnificent message is readily available on two discs to play through any CD/DVD player - it is too large to download onto one - and I shall see to it that it gets to as many people as I can copy it to. Come, Lord Jesus and take your place and may God have mercy on us all. '......if my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.....' (2Chron.7:14)
What's wrong with the chuch
Submitted by guest on Tue, 11/10/2009 - 02:49.I find it interesting that Paul Washer's wife by her own testimony, was not born again until just a few years ago after many years of marraige and ministry with Paul. This is not meant as a slur on her or him but a caution that he does not become another type of celebrity prophetic voice that the sheep follow.
The real dilemna in my understanding of scripture is placing the Messiah at the head of his body, in every way it functions. We seem to be indoctrinated to go somewhere, sit and listen passively to an undoubably sincere and Godly man and think that we are living out lives led by God's Word and Spirit.
Even Paul's "alter call" at the end of his message I struggle to find a biblical model for. We the people called out from this world have heard, seen, and appropriated unblblical teachings and concepts, taking them on board for so long that maybe what is needed is a protracted time of unlearning, and Godspeed towards this.
An example is in Enid's reply, I cannot see how 2 chron 7:14 can apply to any nation besides Isreal, yet we hear it so often that some followers of Jesus are sure it applies to their country of abode. I'm not so sure, yes I believe we can influence the blessings and grace of God on our societies through prayer and living lives pleasing to God and am 100% behind the principle here of repentance and making things right with our Father, but does it apply to all lands? If all the followers of Jesus in Iran applied 2 Chron 7:11 would God be obliged to heal the land?
His sheep hear his voice, perhaps we should all listen, seek him first, instead of first seeking men and their teachings. I can't help but think that those who go away to some paid for school of ministry and then come back after learning 3 point sermons and the bias of whichever school, may just be making trade out of the gospel and becoming careerists, perhaps unwittingly more interested in the ministry of the Lord than the Lord of the ministry. God help us all to know and find what pleases Him by His Grace, God bless, shalom, Cam